級別: 家園常客
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最近在研究VB跟歐姆龍CP1H的通信.了解到可以用串口進行HOSTLINK通信,還可以用以太網進行FANS通信.CP1H沒有網口所以不可以用FANS通信嗎?串口通信情況下,PLC處于運行時寫入不了數據,只有當PLC是監控狀態時才能寫入.這怎么能達到隨時寫入的目的呢? |
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級別: 家園?
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Public Class OmronFins Dim WithEvents OmronPLC As New System.IO.Ports.SerialPort Dim WithEvents T1 As New Timer Dim MLog As New MyFB.RunErrLog ''' <summary> ''' PLC返回字符 ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Dim PLCRtString As String ''' <summary> ''' =True 等待RS返回信息 ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Dim PLCBusyBit As Boolean = False Dim PLCCommd As Integer = 0 Dim RtValue(19) As String Dim RtErrValue(19) As String Sub RS232PortSet(ByVal PortNum As Integer) Try With OmronPLC .BaudRate = 38400 .StopBits = 2 .DataBits = 7 .Parity = IO.Ports.Parity.Even .PortName = "COM" & PortNum .ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1 End With If OmronPLC.IsOpen = False Then OmronPLC.Open() End If Catch ex As Exception MLog.LogErrWrite(ex.ToString) End Try End Sub Sub RS232PortClose() If OmronPLC.IsOpen = True Then OmronPLC.Close() End If End Sub Sub RS232SendMsg(ByVal SendString As String) Dim LenNum As Integer LenNum = SendString.Length If OmronPLC.IsOpen = True Then OmronPLC.Write(SendString) Else PLCBusyBit = False End If End Sub ''' <summary> ''' 20150525 ''' Fins通訊計算校驗碼 ''' </summary> ''' <param name="Value">傳入需要校驗內容</param> ''' <returns>返回Fins校驗值</returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Function FinsFcsCheck(ByVal Value As String) As String Dim CheckValue As Integer Dim CheckHex As String For i As Integer = 1 To Value.Length CheckValue = Asc(Mid(Value, i, 1)) Xor CheckValue Next CheckHex = Hex(CheckValue) If CheckHex.Length < 2 Then CheckHex = "0" & CheckHex End If Return CheckHex End Function ''' <summary> ''' 20150526 ''' 寫單個PLC值函數 ''' ''' </summary> ''' <param name="AddName"></param> ''' <param name="Value"></param> ''' <returns></returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Function SetValue(ByVal AddName As String, ByVal AddNum As Integer, ByVal Value As Integer) As Integer Dim AddNumHexLen As Integer '地址16進制長度 Dim HexAddNum As String '地址值轉到16進制 Dim HCode As String = "@00FA000000000" '通訊表頭 Dim CommandCode As String = "0102" '通訊命令代碼 Dim MemoryAreaCode As String 'PLC內存功能碼 Dim BitNum As String = "00" '位寫入需要寫數值 0-15;字寫如=0 Dim WriteNum As String = "0001" '寫PLC地址個數;單個寫入=0001 Dim HexValue As String '寫入數值轉換為16進制 Dim FCSString As String '需要校驗的字符串 Dim FCSValue As String '命令校驗碼 Dim EndCode As String = "*" & vbCr '結束碼 Dim SenCode As String '發送到PLC字符串 '************************************************************************* '修改版本20150526 新建 '寫入數值到D '通訊發送命令 'HCode & CommandCode & MemoryAreaCode & HEXADDNum & BitNum & WriteNum & Value & FCS & EndCode '************************************************************************* Try If PLCBusyBit = False And OmronPLC.IsOpen Then PLCCommd = 1 PLCBusyBit = True '選擇寫入PLC地址類型 Select Case AddName Case "D" MemoryAreaCode = "82" Case Else Return 1000 Exit Function End Select '寫入地址轉換為HEX,計算長度是否=4;長度不夠補滿 HexAddNum = Hex(AddNum) AddNumHexLen = HexAddNum.Length Select Case AddNumHexLen Case 1 HexAddNum = "000" & HexAddNum Case 2 HexAddNum = "00" & HexAddNum Case 3 HexAddNum = "0" & HexAddNum Case 4 HexAddNum = HexAddNum Case Else Return 1001 Exit Function End Select '寫入數值轉換位16進制,計算長度=4;長度不夠布滿 HexValue = Hex(Value) Select Case HexValue.Length Case 1 HexValue = "000" & HexValue Case 2 HexValue = "00" & HexValue Case 3 HexValue = "0" & HexValue Case 4 HexValue = HexValue Case Else Return 1002 Exit Function End Select FCSString = HCode & CommandCode & MemoryAreaCode & HexAddNum & BitNum & WriteNum & HexValue FCSValue = FinsFcsCheck(FCSString) SenCode = FCSString & FCSValue & EndCode RS232SendMsg(SenCode) ' Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) '*************************************************** '20150608 返回結果處理 Dim StartTick As Integer StartTick = Environment.TickCount Do If (Environment.TickCount - StartTick) > 1500 Then '超時報警 PLCBusyBit = False Return 9001 Exit Do End If If PLCBusyBit = False Then Exit Do End If Application.DoEvents() Loop If RtErrValue(0) = "1" Then Return 1 Else '未知錯誤報警 Return 9002 End If Else '通訊BUSY Return 9003 End If Catch ex As Exception ' MsgBox(ex.Message) MLog.LogErrWrite(ex.ToString) End Try End Function Public Function GetValue(ByVal AddName As String, ByVal AddNum As Integer, ByRef RtV As Integer) As Integer Dim AddNumHexLen As Integer '地址16進制長度 Dim HexAddNum As String '地址值轉到16進制 Dim HCode As String = "@00FA000000000" '通訊表頭 Dim CommandCode As String = "0101" '通訊命令代碼 Dim MemoryAreaCode As String 'PLC內存功能碼 Dim BitNum As String = "00" '位讀取需要寫數值 0-15;字讀入=0 Dim ReadNum As String = "0001" '讀PLC地址個數;單個寫入=0001 'Dim HexValue As String '寫入數值轉換為16進制 Dim FCSString As String '需要校驗的字符串 Dim FCSValue As String '命令校驗碼 Dim EndCode As String = "*" & vbCr '結束碼 Dim SenCode As String '發送到PLC字符串 '************************************************************************* '修改版本2015703 新建 '讀D數值 '通訊發送命令 'HCode & CommandCode & MemoryAreaCode & HEXADDNum & BitNum & ReadNum & FCS & EndCode '************************************************************************* Try If PLCBusyBit = False And OmronPLC.IsOpen Then PLCCommd = 1 PLCBusyBit = True '選擇讀PLC地址類型 Select Case AddName Case "D" MemoryAreaCode = "82" Case Else Return 1000 Exit Function End Select '讀地址轉換為HEX,計算長度是否=4;長度不夠補滿 HexAddNum = Hex(AddNum) AddNumHexLen = HexAddNum.Length Select Case AddNumHexLen Case 1 HexAddNum = "000" & HexAddNum Case 2 HexAddNum = "00" & HexAddNum Case 3 HexAddNum = "0" & HexAddNum Case 4 HexAddNum = HexAddNum Case Else Return 1001 Exit Function End Select FCSString = HCode & CommandCode & MemoryAreaCode & HexAddNum & BitNum & ReadNum FCSValue = FinsFcsCheck(FCSString) SenCode = FCSString & FCSValue & EndCode RS232SendMsg(SenCode) ' Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) '*************************************************** '20150608 返回結果處理 Dim StartTick As Integer StartTick = Environment.TickCount Do If (Environment.TickCount - StartTick) > 1500 Then '超時報警 PLCBusyBit = False Return 9001 Exit Do End If If PLCBusyBit = False Then Exit Do End If Application.DoEvents() Loop If RtErrValue(0) = "1" Then RtV = Convert.ToInt32(RtValue(0), 16) Return 1 Else '未知錯誤報警 Return 9002 End If Else '通訊BUSY Return 9003 End If Catch ex As Exception ' MsgBox(ex.Message) MLog.LogErrWrite(ex.ToString) End Try End Function Private Sub OmronPLC_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles OmronPLC.DataReceived Threading.Thread.Sleep(100) Dim ReadString As String If OmronPLC.IsOpen = True Then ReadString = OmronPLC.ReadExisting Call ReslutCount(ReadString) End If PLCBusyBit = False End Sub Sub ReslutCount(ByVal InputS As String) Dim FcsRead As String = String.Empty '返回校驗碼 Dim FcsCount As String = String.Empty '計算出校驗碼 Dim RtCommand As String = String.Empty '返回命令 Dim RtMsg As String = String.Empty '返回報警代碼 Dim OKMsg As String = "0000" '返回正確代碼 Try If InputS.Length >= 25 Then If Mid(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(InputS, 2), 1, 1) = "*" Then PLCRtString = Mid(InputS, 1, InputS.Length - 4) FcsRead = Mid(InputS, InputS.Length - 3, 2) FcsCount = FinsFcsCheck(PLCRtString) RtCommand = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mid(PLCRtString, 16, 4) End If If FcsCount = FcsRead Then Select Case RtCommand Case "0101" RtMsg = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mid(PLCRtString, 20, 4) If RtMsg = OKMsg Then '=1寫入PLC值正常 RtValue(0) = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mid(PLCRtString, 24, 4) RtErrValue(0) = "1" Exit Sub End If Case "0102" RtMsg = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mid(PLCRtString, 20, 4) If RtMsg = OKMsg Then '=1寫入PLC值正常 RtErrValue(0) = "1" Exit Sub End If Case Else '不能識別通訊命令 RtErrValue(0) = "9002" Exit Sub End Select Else '返回校驗碼不對報警 RtErrValue(0) = "9001" End If Else '返回字符串長度不夠報警 RtErrValue(0) = "9000" End If Catch ex As Exception MLog.LogErrWrite(ex.ToString) End Try End Sub Sub ResetErr() Try If OmronPLC.IsOpen = True Then OmronPLC.Close() End If If OmronPLC.IsOpen = False Then OmronPLC.Open() End If PLCBusyBit = False Catch ex As Exception MLog.LogErrWrite(ex.ToString) MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try End Sub End Class |
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級別: 家園常客
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2015年一個項目寫的 工控機 與OMRON CP1H串口通訊, 使用FAINS 能夠穩定的讀寫數據; |
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